Wednesday 15 February 2012

Tenyok Rimba Reserve of Long Bedian

Not far from Long Bedian, there’s a forest reserve called Tenyok Rimba and the caretakers are from Long Bedian itself.  Though small, but this reserve has almost all one looks for in a jungle setting : beautiful waterfalls, clear water river, lush forest, jungle trails and variety of bird species watching!

The reserve is for picnic outing and for those who really wants to enjoy the forest; several challenging jungle trails can be explored within the area.  Its genuine shooting sound of the forest…without doubt, the real food for the soul & mind ;-)

Wish to spend few days in the reserve?  No problem – stay at Tenyok Rimba Resort and the price is reasonable too.  However, before you enter Tenyok Rimba – please obtain permission & reservation are to be made in advance via the Long Bedian community.  Need their contacts?  Just let us know...

Tenyok Rimba Resort
The Nawan Waterfall (picture courtesy of Ms Noni of BP)
Picnic prepared by our Tour Guide Mr Kenneth (picture courtesy of Ms Noni of BP)

Author: Visitor Information Centre Miri

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