Tuesday 14 February 2012

Bario Highland, Baram, Miri

Bario means ‘Wind’ in Kelabit language (the correct pronunciation is ‘Bariew’).  Lying at an altitude of between 3400 to 6000 feet above sea level in the north-eastern corner of Sarawak is the famous Bario Highland, a Kelabit territory, one of the minority Orang Ulu tribe of Sarawak.  As it is in the highland, the weather is different from the low land, here it is colder at night & hotter during the day time as compared to the low land weather.  There are about 13 villages located in & around Bario area, while Kampung Bario Asal is the original village of Bario.  

Bario village

Recommended tour:  

Visit the Bario Asal village longhouse, Bario Market/handcraft, Bario Village Museum located at SK Bario, taste the famous Bario pineapple plus visit the farm and Bario Rice (or locally known as Adan Rice).

Getting there:
  • Daily flight departure from Miri to Bario via MASWings Twin Otter & about 45 mins flight.
  • By 4WD will take you on rugged logging road along the terrains from Miri to the Highlands & journey approximately 10-14 hours (depends on the road condition & weather).

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